Create Sales Order


Sales web service.


Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json


Test Environment:
Production Environment:



Name Type Required Description
apiKey String (128) Yes Alliance cloud security token/ ApiKey



Name Type Required Description
customerId String (16) Yes The customer that will receive the order.
carrierId String (16) Yes The carrier that will be used for the shipping.
generateBOL Boolean No This field can be true or false. If it’s true, the system will assign a number of BOL to the boxes once they are properly assigned.
shipDate Date (mm/dd/yy) Yes The order ship date, must be in the date format: “mm/dd/yy”.
orderNumber String (16) Yes The order number or invoice number should be a unique number based on which the insert and update are conducted
poNumber String (16) No The purchase order number.
idOrder Int Yes Unique number that identifies the purchase order.
boxIds Array[ ] Yes This parameter is mandatory and represents an arrangement in which we will place the necessary bar code data to be able to make the sale.

Name Type Required Description
boxId String (16) Yes The box barcode that will be assigned to the order. This piece must be in received status and in inventory position or in pending status and non-inventory position.
unitPrice Decimal (9,3) No The sales price of the box that was sold.
markCode String (16) No Mark Code of the sold barcode.
units Int (4) No Number of units in the box.
“customerId”: “530378”,
“carrierId”: “PIK”,
“ShipDate”: “06/14/2024”,
“orderNumber”: “Test1”,
“poNumber”: “TestMar1”,
“boxIds”: [
“boxId”: “NR378724443”,
“unitPrice”: “0.80”,
“units”: “500”,
“markCode”: “12.03 Maripo”




Name Type Description
boxesNotAvailable Array[] Represents an arrangement with unavailable barcodes.
error String Represents a string in which the service response will be detailed.
status String This field will have only two types of responses: 1 which will mean that everything was successful and 0 when an error has occurred.

CONTENT FIELD BoxesNotAvailable


Name Type Description
Carrier String Represents the carrier sent.
BoxCode String Represents the barcodes sent.
ShipDate String Represents ship date sent.
Customer String Represents the customer sent.


“boxesNotAvailable”: [],
“error”: “Boxes successfully processed: 2”,
“status”: “1”,
“codigoBarra”: []
Output Error




Name Type Description
type String Represents the type of error that has generated the exception in the service
title String Details the message of the error that occurre
status Int Represents the error code


“type”: “”,
“title”: “Unauthorized”,
“status”: 401


Boxes status Dispached


“boxesNotAvailable”: null,
“error”: “Boxes not available: 2 DISPATCHED WH(CF356783596,CF356783605) – Boxes not found: – Boxes not inventory: “,
“status”: “0”
Boxes status Pending


“boxesNotAvailable”: null,
“error”: “Boxes not available: 1 PENDING(12400001525) – Boxes not found: – Boxes not inventory: “,
“status”: “0”
Carrier does not exist


“boxesNotAvailable”: null,
“error”: “Carrier does not exist”,
“status”: “0”
Customer does not exist


“boxesNotAvailable”: null,
“error”: “Customer does not exist”,
“status”: “0”
Carrier does not have cutoff


“boxesNotAvailable”: null,
“error”: “The carrier doesn’t have day of service”,
“status”: “0”
Boxes not found


“boxesNotAvailable”: [],
“error”: “Boxes not available: – Boxes not found: 1(1240000152500) – Boxes not inventory”,
“status”: “0”,
Date Format


“boxesNotAvailable”: [],
“error”: “Wrong date format. Please enter this format MM/dd/yyyy”,
“status”: “0”,
Boxes not available


“error”: “Boxes not available: – Boxes not found: 1 (SK10080830) – Boxes not inventory: “,
“status”: “0”,
“codigoBarra”: [
Syntax Error


“type”: “”,
“title”: “One or more validation errors occurred.”,
“status”: 400,
“errors”: {
“inventarioRequest”: [,
“The inventarioRequest field is required.”
“$.carrierId”: [
“‘,’ is an invalid start of a value. Path: $.carrierId | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 17.”